+ BEFORE task can be done, what other work (inspections, measurements, records, isolations, tests, etc);
. . need to be completed (related to this task or other tasks)?
^ ApxA2f06 √Design+Improve.docx - Appendix A Safe & Improved Design & Site Work
- what are the Risk and HSE issues? (∆ Apx03 s111+2 www.liztid.com/mylizt/267)
- do we need a written Work Plan? Who needs to review the plan?
- AFTER; what work is to follow and how will it be handed over? Will they be ready for taking over?
- When is handover? How does this affect transport, customs, insurance, unloading/ installation, testing, ownership?
- what QA is required? Consents? (www.liztid.com/mylizt/267; Apx03 s170.01 ITP)
- what reviews are reqd? Design, HAZOP, HACCP, Legal, Constructability, Commissioning, HSE, etc
- UNO 1 week is required to review shop drawings, Work Plans, ITP, data for reviews, etc
- what skills, equip, materials and information is required? Who is contact person(s)?
- is admin complete; PO/ contract, consents, insurance certs, bonds, inductions, training, current drgs & spec, Client approval?
- Please ensure that work is to Good Manufacturing Practice, so we can be proud of our work and no one is hurt.
- Dumb questions are easier to handle than dumb mistakes
===== also
∆ "Apx0 Legends, Contents, etc; www.liztid.com/mylizt/271
∆ Apx01 Proj Admin Notes.
∆ Apx02 Design & Purchasing Notes.
∆ Apx03 Site Work NOTES
∆ Apx04 Commissioning
∆ Apx05 Operations
∆ Apx06 Maintenance
∆ Apx08 Reference Info
∆ Apx10 Computer Notes
∆ Project/ Site specific MyLizt
===== also refer
www.liztid.com/mylizt/106 Apx Eng; PROFESSIONALS
www.liztid.com/mylizt/229 Apx Eng; SERVICES
www.liztid.com/mylizt/225 Apx Eng; SUPPLIERS
===== Legend
∆ xxx; reference Web page xxx
^ xxx; reference document xxx
++ improvements/ ways of doing things better
* this list is frequently modified, so print/ pdf the section for your reference
===== ∆ Project Mylizt
∆ "Apx0 Legends, Contents, etc; www.liztid.com/mylizt/271
∆ Apx03 Site Work NOTES
CoinMill.com | |
MA, US |
http://www.coinmill.com |
MyNotes: |
https://coinmill.com/NZD_calculator.htm |
Metvuw | |
http://www.metvuw.com |
MyNotes: |
10 day Forecasts
https://www.metvuw.com/forecast/ |
PDFResizer.com | |
-, US |
https://pdfresizer.com |
MyNotes: |
Works well, especially good if pdf is made from photos, but;
# as this is a public site, don't use on "confidential" documents,
# occasionally marks ups will be changed, so best to reduce size before doing markups |
Weather Forecast.com | |
Meteo365.com c/o The AMS Group,
Sea Meadow House
Road Town |
-, VG |
http://www.weather-forecast.co |
World Time Zone | |
NJ, US |
http://www.worldtimezone.com |
=== Apx Documents
ApxA1.1f03 Proj DOCUMENTS.doc
ApxA2~02 Drg list+NOTES.doc
ApxA2f03 Fluids and Services.doc
ApxA2f06 √Design+Improve.doc
ApxQ1f01 STANDARDS List.docx
. IpenzQ Producer_Statement_Guidance_Sheet.pdf
ApxM8f01 √Shut,Sitework.doc
ApxX2.1f03 Purchasing NOTES.docx
ApxY2.2f01 SOS+.doc
6S ===== Standards
Fonterra FES Combined 1705
Fonterra GES combined 1705
8 ===== Ref
8L6.0 Pipeline Supplies flip chart MU
8L6.2 Flange dimensions Tyco FCT_7_06 MU
10~===== Drawings
ApxL0~1 Piping--7r2 Chem
10 A Process
. A1 Lists, . A2 Proj Philosophy, PFD, Tech data . A3 .1 Project Mtgs . 3.2 Action List . . A4 PID, . . A5 Layouts, also see C
∆ 20 B Building
30 C Site
40 D Dryers
50 E Heating
60 F Filters
70 G Mixing
80 H Material Handling
90 i Instrumentation
100 J Control
∆ 110 K Services
∆ 120 L Liquid Handling, Piping
∆ 130 M Construction. Mf Fasteners. Mw Welding M9 Commissioning
140 N Maintenance
∆ 150 o Materials
160 P Pumps
∆ 170 Q Quality
180 R Production, Training
190 S Structural
200 T Tanks & Vessels
∆ 210 U Motors, Drives & components
∆ 220 V Valves
230 W Wiring and Electrical
∆ 240 X Purchasing & Accounts
∆ 250 Y Admin
260 Z Misc
The above are based on function, not form, ie a filter that looks like a tank is still F
=== ^ ApxY0f02 Word FORM.doc . . for above and document header and footing.
1 Introduction
2 Scope
3 Technical
4 Legal, QA, QC, Testing and Guarantees, Insurance
5 Health, Safety, Risk, Environment
6 Timeline & Reporting
7 Administration, Project Team, Training, Handover
8 Documentation
9 Purchasing and Costing
3 MyLizt Abbreviations & Definitions |
===== Heading, new subject
=== Company specific item
* action item
• or - information
_ list to be checked off
√ or | completed
* review s__: review section as referenced
"* review s__: template section
^ read/ review document xxx
t **/ Refer to this web page (name= address)
t **^ Refer to named doc
shall= . . indicates a mandatory course of action (no exception is allowed)
should= . indicates a preferred course of action
may= . . indicates one possible course of action
accept= . Client does not see any problems with the documents, work, services, etc. However Supplier is still responsible to ensure that all performance requirements are met.
approve= Client approves changes requested or suggested by the other party.
=== PRIORITY; ∆ "Apx0 s3
1= SITE high priority
2= AREA high priority
3, 4= Ordinary Priority
5= Do when time avail
===== A1 Lists
##A1.1b01 Major Equipment List Bldgs, P/M, C/S, PLC, DCS, I/E items, Transformers, MCC
. Labels see sections i, L, U, V and W for minor equipment lists.
##A1.2s01 Scope of Work (physical works), include reasons for changes
. SOW= Scope of Work (physical works), . SOS= Scope of Services (eg professional services, not physical works)
##A1.3b01 etc Drawing/ Project Document Lists . . copy of Transmittals at back of section A1
##A1.4s01 ITP (overview) (see A10 Planz), checklist See Q2
##A1.5s01 Project Process,
##A1.8b01 List of Reference Documents
===== A2 Project Philosophy
##A2s11 Process Technical Data/ Information/ Summary of Data Sheets
##A2s21 Design Philosophy, Duty, Cycle Time Charts, Project Plan, Goals/ KPI
. Material & Equipment Selection, Summary
. Equipment Hazard Levels
. Risk to Production items (or Production PPA)
. If not in an earlier document use following
##A2s31 Procurement & Construction Philosophy
##A2s41 Project Testing and Acceptance Criteria. Statutory approvals required
##A2s51 Equipment Labelling (document Labelling)
##A2s71 Close Out Certificate/ Handover/ Project Acceptance (ApxA2f23)
• ##A2~1 PFD for Whole Site (Mass Flow Balance)
##A2~## PFD for area ##
##A2~2-1 PFD #2, sheet 1 . . see K for typical Services PFD #s
##A2R1 Xxxx 1° “Report†prepared for this project
##A2R2 Xxxx 2° “Report†prepared for this project
===== A3 .1 Project Meetings .2 Action List .3 Technical Reports
##A3.1ag020812 Xxxx Agenda for meeting of 12 Aug 02, about Xxxx
##A3.1mom020812 Xxxx Meeting minutes from 12 Aug 02, about Xxxx
===== A4 P&ID
• ##A4~1 P&ID otherwise as per A2, PFD
For mechanical/materials handling indicate machine/ machine interface details
===== A5 Layouts, also see C
##A5~1-0 Site Grid & ref points
-x Layout of Site/ Plant/ Traffic flow
-x Layout of Soil Conditions
-x Layout of UG Services Routes, Foundation, Road Routes, etc
-x Floor Plans/ Equip Layout
+ Following as per Cat K
##A5~2 Safety Area Drawing Sign off. See category K for details on this drawings
##A5~4 Services Layout (not details)
##A5~8 Hazard Area Drawing (if different from ~2)
For drawings etc see P ãY4s06 Numbering Photos Drgs Sketches.doc
===== A6 MAJOR Equipment
11 A* Numbers/ colours (Discipline, Filing, Phases) |
===== Project File Colours
" ∆ Apx0 s10A
∆ m197 Beca Kinleith s900 * Oji FS Kinleith file structure
∆ m377 2203 Essity s+990 Essity File Structure
1 . white . . . Client info, SOW
2 . yellow. . .Process, incl major equip, QA, Hazop, Risk, Beca SiD
3 . orange . Pipe/ Mech
4 . red . . . . Instr/ Elect, Control
5 . green . . Building, Civil, Struct
6 . blue . . .
7 . purple . . Site, Construction
8 . white . . .Commission, . incl labour, trials, commissioning spares reqd, etc
9 . red . . . . .Operation, maintenance, spares, QA handover (copies), etc [1]
10 . brown . Project Admin (or separate project folder)
Use the numbers for each project files, then it is easy to find info in old/ different projects
Colours are useful for folder colours and highlighting on drgs, etc
[1] Have original under discipline folder, put copy in here (for hand over)
=== Sub files
Colour+Org; Purchase
t Blu; ∙ Filed
===== PROJECT PHASES= ApxA1.5f01 Proj PHASES.xlsx
red . Phase 1; Business analysis
ylw . Phase 2; Feasibility study
grn . Phase 3; to Capex
blu . Phase 4; Implementation
ppl . Phase 5; Start up, operate, evaluate
^1ApxY4b WEBSITE Definitions Standards
^P aY4s03 Designations & Abbrev
===== Paper Machines
100+ . General or Overview
200+ . Pulp prep & Chemical Additives
300+ . Headbox & Former
400+ . Press Section
500+ . Dryer
600+ . Calender & Reel
700+ . Winder
800+ . Store & shipping
900+ . Services, Cranes, Building & Other
∆ Apx 1 s990= liztid.com/mylizt/265
^ AS 4343-2005 Pressure equipment - Hazard levels MU.pdf
^ ApxA2f42 Hazard Level.xlsx
===== Drawing LEGEND: PFD, PIDs, Line lists, etc (see Apx2 for typical specs)
xxxF= Food grade
xxxS= Supply, xxxR= Return
AC= Compressed Air- general use
ACF= Compressed Air- Food grade
AI= Instrument Air quality
N2= Nitrogen
CO2= Carbon Dioxide
NG= Natural Gas
FO= Fuel Oil
HYD= Hydraulic Oil
WPC= Water; Potable Cold
WDF= Water; Denitrified
WHx= Water; Hot, ODT= tba
W54= eg Water; Hot, ODT= 54 °C, etc
W54F= Food grade, ODT= 54 °C, etc
WCx= Water; Chilled, ODT= tba
W03= eg Water; Chilled, ODT= 3 °C, etc
WCT= Water; Cooling Tower, ODT= wet bulb+ margin, etc
FW= Fire Water
SW= Stormwater
SWR= Sewer; toilets, showers, hand basins, sinks, etc (...was SS)
TW= Trade Waste
STx= Steam ODP= tba barg
ST9= eg Steam with ODP= 9 barg, etc
STxF= Steam, Food grade; filtered or from reboiler, etc. ODP= x barg
CNx= Condensate with ODP= tba barg
CN9= eg Condensate with ODP= 9 barg
CNP= Condensate that is pumped (ie not from trap into condensate tank)
GLYCL= Glycol (∆ Apx02 s11A Fluid data)
H2O2= Hydrogen Peroxide
H2SO= Sulphuric acid (H2SO4, Sulfuric for the Americans)
HCl= Hydrochloric Acid
HNO3= Nitric acid or Nitrophos
NH3= Ammonia
NaOCl= Sodium Hypochlorite (NaOCl or NaClO)
NaOH= Sodium Hydroxide
xxx= Sanitiser
===== Water Treatment Chemicals
CH3C= Acetic Acid (CH3COOH)
C6H8= Citric acid (C6H8O7)
AlCl= Aluminium chloride (AlCl3)
==== AS 4343
VHL= Very Harmful Liquid
VHG= Very Harmful Gas
HL= Harmful Liquid
HG= Harmful Gas
NHL= Non Harmful Liquid
NHG= Non Harmful Gas
NC= Not Classified (water 0 < T < 65 C?)
# NHG can be dangerous inside buildings, as they displace oxygen in air
===== FTi ?
IA= Instrument Air
CHW= chilled water
SW= stormwater
SS= sanitary sewer
TW= trade waste
GYL= glycol
HNO3= nitric or nitrophos
NAOH= caustic
H2SO4= sulphuric acid
12 A4.2 PID abbreviations |
===== Definitions
EDP= Equip Design Press; safety valve setting, pump dead head pressure, OPSO, etc
EDT= Equip Design Temp; maximum achievable process temperature, trip set point
. . same as Allowable Working Press/ Temp; MAWP/M AWT, in some codes
ODP= Operating Design Press; expected operating range for PROCESS sizing of equipment
ODT= Operating Design Temp; “
HTP= Hydro Test Press; ref B31.3, cl 4.2
HTT= Hydro Test Temp; ambient (unless otherwise noted)
RPR= Relieving Press Rise; < (EDP +10 to 16%) ASME VIII Div 1 UG133a
OPSO= Over Press shut Off;
Corr= Corrosion Allowance
SP= Set Point (typically ≈ ODP)
OAP= Operating Actual Pressure (as read or measured)
OAT= " " Temperature "
=== Battery Limit
BOP= Battery limit Operating Press; BDP must equal EDP
BOT= Battery limit Operating Temp; BDT must equal BDT
Also applies for; Flow, Level, Speed, etc
Equipment Design often includes maxXXX and minXXX etc.
Can use PDP and PDT, but normally better to use the above for equipment AND piping.
PDP Piping Design Pressure (== EDP)
PDT Piping Design Temperature (== EDT)
Use “Equipment†rather than “Plant†in documents.
===== Major Hazard Facility (MHF)
SCE= Safety Critical Element
13 A4.3 Mech Design Press/ Temp, Definitions |
In additions to A4 PID abbreviations
Supply Pump= pumps to whole Factory or Area
Loop Pump= pumps around the HX, tank or other Loop
Booster Pump= “Boosts†pressure, if needed, by Area, User or building level
Flush= Flush of product (or other) line
SW= Seal Water (for pump or agitator)
Xxx VSD= Have xxx the same as for the equip and VSD
User abbreviations on Services PIDs
BL= Blanket
FL= Flush (std 2 barg)
INJ= Injection
Jkt= Jacket (pump, pipe, etc)
MU= Make Up
SW= Seal Water
tk= tank Loop heat exchanger HWxxx loop or similar
Pump= to pump suction
Trap= Condensate return flow (Txxx)
HX= Heat Exchanger
Flush Valve
_BV= Block Valve
_CV= Control Valve
Level Press Temp
Supply, Return Inlet, Outlet
14 A4.4 Instrument, Electrical, Control, Definitions |
15 A4.5 Building, Civil, Definitions |
17 A4.7 Site, Construction, Definitions |
∆ s30 C Site, sub grade
∆ s110K_ Services Definitions
BQ Building Consent/ Spec/ Design
Construction/ Site maintenance
BC . Sub Floor/ Foundations/
BF . Flooring incl concrete
BS . Structural/ Bracing incl timber
BA . Access/ egress, Escape routes
BB . Finishing/ Framing/ Walls incl timber
BC . Ceiling/ Roofing/ Eaves
BL . Plumbing
Bo . Painting/ Finishing
BW . Wiring , electrical in building large SOW use W, small SOW B6 or K10
BZ . Joinery/ Doors/ Windows/ Hardware/ Access & Stair layouts
BK . Special/ Site or Area Secuity
BKf . Fire protection, Firewater, extinguishers, hoses
Bse= Security (building & site, computer, etc), access (if not covered by Cse)
see C2 Earthworks/ Site preparation/ Fencing/ Grounds/ Gardens
B2 2nd floor
B1 1st floor
B0 . ground level
B-1 . Below ground
For design (other than minor) relating to above, see cat S or W
=== ttt  old
Bf; Fire design, Fire cell, walls
?? Bin; Inductions (required for access)
20 B Building Definitions |
rooms that contain control equipment that may be critical to the controlled shut down or operation of plant during an emergency.
room (specifically including electrical equipment rooms, indoor transformer rooms, HVSG rooms, PLC rooms and server rooms) that if damaged would result in an extended shutdown of a Strategic Site or a major part of the Strategic Site. Critical rooms include but are not limited to those which, if lost, would cause significant disruption to Strategic Sites.
Where there is any uncertainty whether a room shall be considered critical it will be confirmed by the Client
can contain specific items of support plant, eg compressors, boilers, gas-fired appliances, Co-Generation plant or high voltage switch gear rooms etc. that present a high risk. They may also contain dangerous goods or plant using combustible fuels or gases.
Do not duplicate with A5.
For layout drawings use primary function, ie on UG services drgs show foundation layout, etc.
CO Overview
C1 Site Soil conditions
C2 Earthworks/ Site preparation/ Fencing/ Grounds/ Gardens
C3 Foundations (if not part of Structure)
C4 Civil and UG Services
C5 Roading
Cse= site security, inductions, access
For area numbers see P ãY4s06 Numbering Photos Drgs Sketches.doc and arrangements vs details.
H1 Combined Systems
H2 Labelling (Identification) see i for label readers
.06 Label format .07 Printers .09 Label Application
H3 Offsite Freight (Transportation)
.11 Iso containers .12 Shipping Containers .13 Freighting
H4 Personnel Transport (Public Transport)
H5 Lifting
H5.1 Cranes
.11 OHTC .12 Goliath .13 Mobile .14 Tower .15 Pedestal/ Davit
.16 Lifts, Lowerators
H5.2 Monorail Hoists
.21 Hoist Units .22 Monorail Beams
H5.3 Jacks
H5.4 . . Strops, chains, shackles, lifting beams
H6 Conveyors
.11 Belt .12 Chain .13 Roller .14 Pneumatic .15 Wheel
.17 Bucket
H7 Vehicles
.11 Cars .12 Trucks .13 Trailers .14 Forklifts .15 Loaders
.16 Diggers
H8 Grabs
.11 Grabs .12 Pickers .13 Kickers .14 Stackers .15 Unstackers
.16 Feeders .21 Mancages
H9 Packaging
.11 Winding .12 Stacking/Loading/Packing .13 Wrapping .14 Banding
.15 Removing
H10 Warehousing
H11+ Special Equipment
.01 General, .02 Safety/ Enclosures, .03 Costing, .04 Approvals, .05 Outstanding items,
.06 Materials, .07 Drives, .08 Controls, .09 Aux equip, .10 Std Docs,
.11 Detail
Services Auxiliary supplies, for a more complete list see ApxM8f01√Shut Sitework (not as in Scope of Services). Most common are:
K1= Emergency/ Risk
K2= Safety, Ergonomics, Safety shower, confined spaces
K3= Noise => Kn
K4= Machine Guarding
K5= Environmental (if not a significant process item)
Kb= Offices, toilets, etc, Stores, spares, Cleaning services
Kc= Chemicals, Incidental chemicals,
Kd= Disposal of waste; Drains, wastewater, Vents, Solids, Chemicals,
Ke= Electrical to machine, UPS, Control, Power points, Building services,
Kf= Fire protection, Firewater, extinguishers, hoses
Kg= Gases; Compressed air, Mill air, Instrument air, Other gases
Kh= Heating/ cooling, HVAC, Building ventilation,
Kl= Fuels, Natural Gas, Coal, other,
Kn= Noise, Noise control
Kp= Pest control,
Kq= Quality, statistics
Kr= Services related skills and training
Ks= Steam & condensate, Boiler water treatment,
Kt= Transport, Vehicles,
Ku= Hydraulic power packs, Lube systems,
Kw= Water; Treated, Potable, Product Contact Water, Chilled and Cooling water,
Kz= Communications, Remote alarms, Telephone/ Fax Email connection,
*** Use A2c= Chemical Process Kc= Detail Design Mc= Chemical Build Rc= Operation, etc
K Confined Space
from AS_NZS 2865-2001 Safe working in a confined space, cl 5.4
An enclosed or partially enclosed space that is at atmospheric pressure during occupancy and is not intended or designed primarily as a place of work, and –
(a) is liable at any time to –
(i) have and atmosphere which contains potentially harmful levels of contaminant;
(ii) have an oxygen deficiency or excess; or
(iii) cause engulfment; and
(b) could have restricted means for entry and exit.
see app C for additional guidance
111 Kc Chemicals (also see Rc) |
Class 1: Explosives
Class 2: Gases
. Class 2.1: Flammable Gas
. Class 2.2: Nonflammable Gas
. Class 2.3: Poisonous Gas
. Class 2.2: Oxygen
. Class 2.3: Inhalation Hazard
Class 3: Flammable Liquids
Class 4: Flammable Solids
Class 5: Oxidizing Agents and Organic Peroxides
Class 6: Toxic and Infectious Substances
. Class 6.1: Poison
. Class 6.2: Biohazard
Class 7: Radioactive substances
Class 8: Corrosive substances
Class 9: Miscellaneous
=== UN Numbers
=== Hazchem
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dangerous_goods |
111 Ks Steam- Pressure Reducing |
PRS= Pressure Reducing Station
PRV= Pressure Reducing Valve
PSV= Pressure Safety Valve
∆ Apx8 s120L; http://www.liztid.com/mylizt/278
NPS 1/8= . . DN 6= . . 1/8 NB
NPS 1/4= . . DN 8= . . 1/4 NB
1 Lists
2 Design Requirements
3 Misc; Buckling, Water hammer, Nozzle loads, Attachments, Heat tracing
4 Standards and Approvals (statutory), including submissions,
5 Design PSA Philosophy, Procedures, General theory, Examples, Codes & Standards
*6 Materials (Specifications and purchase)
. see below
7 Brackets
*8 Construction
9 Costing
===== 6 Materials (Specifications and purchase)
S ApxL8S01 Piping, ãY4s01 IDENTIFICATION.doc Pipe supports
6.1 Tube, Pipe, Ducting
6.2c Connectors, . 6.2f Flanges, . 6.2t Pipe threads, . 6.2u Unions,
6.3 Bends, Elbows
6.4 Tees, Reducers 6.4 Nipples, Swages, Caps
6.5 O'lets, branch attachments
6.6 Gaskets, Bolting, Threads, Thread sealant
6.7 Hoses and hose fittings (if not specials)
6.8 Valves
6.9 Piping Specials
6.10 Miscellaneous
=== Fonterra; ^ FES Combined
A1 -304LSS Tube – Water
B1 -316L SS Tube – Water
B2 -316L SS Tube – Chemicals
C1 -2205 SS Tube – Hot Water
E1 -Galvanised Medium Pipe – Water
E2 -Galvanised Medium Pipe – Compressed Air
E4 -Galvanised Medium Pipe – Natural Gas
F1 -Class 150 Carbon Steel Pipe
F2 -Class 300 Carbon Steel Pipe
F3 -Class 600 Carbon Steel Pipe
F4 -Class 150 Carbon Steel Pipe – Gas
F5 -Class 150 Carbon Steel Pipe – Chemicals
G1 -Class 150 316SS Pipe
G2 -Class 300 316SS Pipe
G3 -Class 600 316SS Pipe
H1 -Class 150 304SS Pipe – Compressed Air
Piping Guide Abbreviations
https://www.dropbox.com/s/uvon6o0ekk9ywb8/8L1%20Piping%20Guide%20p141%2B2%7D%20abbrev.pdf?dl=0 |
130 M Legend Construction |
M1= Timeline
M3= Budget
M4= Accounts
M5= Tasks, Contracts
M6= Misc
M7= QC, pre commissioning
M8= Construction admin
M9= Commissioning to handover
M10= Documentation
Mf= Construction work related to Fasteners, excl welding
Mr= Construction related to training
Mw= Construction work related to welding (metal, plastics, etc)
M_= Scaffolding
SOS= Scope of Services (eg professional services, not physical works)
SOW= Scope of Work (physical works)
WLT= Works List= list of all the WPS
WPN= Works Plan (ref ApxM1f05 Works Plan) typically for whole project or large portion
WP= Work Pack= a package of work for a team or small group
WPS= Work Pack Specification, , ie what is required in a WMS
WMS= Work Method Statement for a Wp or task (typically not whole project)
JSA= Job Safety Analysis (or SSSP= Site Specific Safety Plan)
SWMS= Safety Work Method Statement (JSA included in WMS)
1a . WLT;
List of the jobs, Work Packs, etc that make up the Works Plan. With no or minimal details
1b . WPN;
Plan on how the "whole project" or a significant portion will be implemented, with brief description of;
2 . SOW for major tasks (inclusions/ exclusions), interfaces, battery limits, and significant resources, etc
4 . non standard QA
5 . non standard HSR&E
6 . timeline
7 . non standard Personnel
2b . WP;
Details of what work is included/ excluded. The WPS may be included or separate
- Timing
- QA required
- Hazards, Risks
- Testing, commissioning, training, etc may be included or separate
2a . WPS; . . (ref ^ApxM1f05 Works PLAN s2 Questions for Suppliers);
WP details above AND detail spec on what is required to be done in the Work Pack
- handover(s)
- interfaces; . operating plant, other contractors, disciplines,
- resources; . materials, equipment, people, area (eg laydown, access), etc
- demolition, fabrication, construction, installation, etc
- ITP; approvals, legal
- hazards
- Testing, commissioning, training, etc may be included or separate
see Apx03 Site Work NOTES
3a . WMS:
Plan of how the WP will be completed;
. What, When , Who, Equipment, Resources, Contingencies, etc
. prep, work, post, . staff, tools, training, . verification (ITP), hold points, etc
3b . JSA (or SWMS)
HSR&E related items, for the workers, related to the WMS
Can be included in the WMS (ie a SWMS)
130 Mw Construction- WELDING |
ITP= Inspection and Test Plan= QA Plan; a document setting out how the supplier will ensure that the equipment is fit for purpose. This will include what NDT and other testing is required, when and by whom.
NDT= Non Destructive Testing. Any testing or inspection work that is required prior to and during pre commissioning to ensure that the construction work has been done satisfactorily.
See ApxA1.1f03 Project Documents P ãY4s03 Designations & Files.doc
ApxM7f01 QA Plan
WPS= Weld Procedure Specification
PQR= Procedure Qualification Record
WQR= Welder Qualification Record
===== NDT Inspections
VC= Visual examination, by Competent person. "Competency" as specified
VT= Visual examination by CBIP Welding/ Painting Inspector, as appropriate.
MT= Magnetic Particle Testing
PT= Dye Penetrant Testing
RT= Radiographic Examination, gamma or X ray
UT= Ultrasonic testing
XT= X ray radiography, (eg on sanitary lines to check for quality of purge welding)
* Unless required by code or law, spec to state whether inspections by CBIP approved technician or competent person
t VA= Visual examination of system or equipment
Ftgs= Fittings includes pipe shoes and other attachments to pressure retaining parts.
Gap= Radiograph to check for correct gap on Socket Welds
Bnch= This shall include all types of branches; Olets, stab ins, branch and similar welds.
r&c= Visual inspection of root run and MT or PT of the cap run of a stab in, olet or similar weld. 100% unless noted otherwise.
UT wall= UT wall of run pipe prior to tie in (for delamination).
• Typically file with the equipment, except general under M, N, o, R & X.
o1 Physical Properties
o2 Reference texts
o3 Metals
o4 Elastomers/ Rubbers/ Plastics/ Resins/ FRP
o5 Ceramics/ Glass
o6 Concrete/ Aggregates/ Brick
o7 Timber/ natural materials
o8 Jointing/ fabrication (also see M Construction)
o9 Coatings, incl insulation
o10 Case Histories
=== Consider
oCc was o5 Ceramics/ Glass
oCe was o6 Concrete/ Aggregates/ Brick
oCt was o9 Coatings, Cladding
oEr was o4 Elastomers/ Rubbers/ Plastics/ Resins/ FRP
oIn was o9 Insulation
oMl was o3 Metals
oMf was o8 Jointing/ fabrication (also see M Construction, Mf Fasteners)
oTr was o7 Timber/ natural materials
o9 Case Histories
=== 01 Physical Properties
Corrosion tables
=== 02 Reference texts
Corrosion Protection
Experts/ Consultants
=== o3 Metals
Ferrous/ Stainless steels/ Copper/ Nickels/ Aluminium
Galvanic corrosion
Deposition (cementation)
Deposit corrosion
Heat treatment
Surface finish
=== o4 Elastomers/ Rubbers/ Plastics/ Resins/ FRP
ECTFE= Halar
PVDF Fluoropolymer Family= Kynar®
=== o5 Ceramics/ Glass
=== o6 Concrete/ Aggregates/ Brick
=== o7 Timber/ natural materials
=== o8 Jointing/ fabrication (also see M Construction)
Welding see Mw
=== o9 Coatings (also see N Maintenance and Pipe Designations for material abbreviations)
=== o10 Case Histories
Corrosion Coupons
See ^ 8Rc Chemicals
8Rg Air
8Rg CO2
8Rg expansion & compression of gases-STP & NTP.PDF
8Rg N2 Nitrogen
8Rg Natural gas
8Rg O2 Oxygen
8Rs Steam
8Rw Water
8Rsds MSDS
6v NZ Chemical Suppliers
https://www.nzchemicalsuppliers.co.nz/list/a |
170 Q Quality- ITP, Verification |
ITP= Inspection & Test Plan . (also QA Plan or Verification Plan)
An ITP is to be supplied to the Client, prior to starting design OR construction.
This document shall include how the Supplier will ensure the design is fit for purpose. Then how the materials and construction will comply with the design and how likely mistakes will be detected and rectified. This will include what QC, NDT and other testing is required, when and by whom.
Supplier to advise the method used for ensuring all equipment is suitable for use.
QA= defect prevention in quality assurance differs subtly from defect detection and rejection in quality control
QC= emphasizes testing of products to uncover defects and reporting to management
. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quality_assurance
. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quality_control
FAT= Factory Acceptance Test
SAT= Site Acceptance Test
NDT= Non Destructive Testing (eg s130Ma Construction)
DNC= Does not conform
170 Q2 Consents and Compliance |
Q2 Consent applications & consent
Q2 Code compliance
=== Document Naming (and Filing)
COC Area date- Company proj#
ITP Area date- Company proj#
* Name document and put in project file AND copy to site records/ library
210 U Motors, Drives & components |
Ua Process, overview
Ub Bearings
Uc Chain drive
Ug Gearboxes
Ui instruments
Ul Linear; Actuators, Bellows, Cylinders (air, hydraulic), Airless
Um Motors, incl hydraulic motors
Un Brakes
Uo cOuplings
Up hydraulic Pumps
Us Shafts
Ut Tensioners
Uu LUbrication, grease, oil
Uv V Belts (and other belt drives)
Uw Wheels
Uz Components
t Ur bRakes
Tag__ Function
BV= Block valve
_CV= Control Valve (FCV- Flow, PCV= Press, Temp= Temp)
. . see #4 below for actuators
_CV+P_= Power Operated Actuator
BV+M_= Manual Operation
===== 1= Type, construction -2= # and material -3= Line size
Tag__ Form
VA Gen info (file)
VAx Auxiliary equip
VBa Ball
VBf Butterfly
VCk Check or BFP
VCL Control
VDb DBB (Double Block and Bleed)
VDm Diaphragm
VFl Float
VGa Gate
VGk “ knife
VGp “ parallel slide
VGw “ wedge
VGb Globe
VMx Mix
VNd Needle
VPg Plug
VPh Pinch
VPn Pneumatics (could be Pc)
VPR Press Reducing
VPt Piston (could be Pn)
VRd Rupture disk
VSa Safety (Relief)
VSd Solenoid
VTp Trap
VVa Any type
VVb Vacuum breaker
VVc Control Valve . see VCL
VZs Special
=== Apx Valve Identification
_ Pressure class
_ End connections
-_ -Valve Number
_ Body material (see L)
===== 4 +Actuator Labelling (if helpful)
Usually indicated by the drawing or documents, but can be added for clarification:
+M Manual Operation
. +ML Lever
. +MC Chain drive
. +MG Gearbox
. +MX Extension
+MR Remote (in plant)
. +ME Electric
. +MH Hydraulic
. +MP Pneumatic
+PO Powered (DCS, PLC. remote hand switch)
. +PE Electric
. +PH Hydraulic
. +PP Pneumatic
+S Self acting
. +SL Level
. +SP Press
. +ST Temp (Spirax)
. +SZ Position
===== 5 Other Specify actuator fail close (or open) if not vendor’s standard.
Fail: *FC, FO, FX (FX= as is)
Position switches: *ZSC, ZSO, ZSX (positioner)
240 X Legend Purchasing, Costs |
1.1 Purchasing Plan
1.2 Expediting Plan
2 Procedures, Docs & Information
2.1 Procurement procedures & Information
2.2 standard purchasing docs
2.3 Tendering, rfq
2.4 Bid tab
2.5 PR => PO . . & PO followup
3 Project Budget & Approvals
3.1 Project budget/ cost/ variations, forecast expenditure
3.2 Capital Approval(s) Finance
3.3 Capital estimate(s)
3.4 Tax estimates/ Details
4 Accounts, PO’s etc
4.1 timesheets
4.2 claims and invoices
4.3 POs
240 X2.2 Apx Contract Terms |
"∆ s250Y Admin- Documents
Principal= final owner of the works/ services (if not the Client)
SOW= Scope of Work (physical works), .
SOS= Scope of Services (eg professional services, not physical works)
=== OjiFS terms
VR= Variation Request
VO= Variation Order
CVO= Contract Variation Order
PVO= Purchase Variation Order
CN= Contract Note, ie instruction, clarification, formal response to Variation Request
CAN= Consultant Advice Notice
UNO= Unless Noted Otherwise
Y ===== Insurance
∆ Apx2 s240X, www.liztid.com/mylizt/270#lttheading14947
Q ===== Inspection
Inspector; Competent= Experienced person, who Client and Supplier agree is able to do inspections (VC).
Inspector; 3rd Party= Inspector normally approved under a code to inspect the works, CBIP (VT).
X ==== Legal Terms
time is of the essence
n. a phrase often used in contracts, which, in effect says: the specified time and dates in this agreement are vital and thus, mandatory, and "we mean it." Therefore, any delay, reasonable or not, slight or not, will be grounds for cancelling the agreement. (See: contract)
Copyright © 1981-2005 by Gerald N. Hill and Kathleen T. Hill. All Right reserved.
Y =====
CERTIFIED (Drawings, Specification, Documents)
The document supplier warrants that the documents are accurate/ reliable.
ALL costs for changes (not at the Client's request) are to the document supplier's account
Pre commissioning
The work as construction (or this portion) is completed and includes testing: loops, equipment physically moves as required, motors direction, rams stroke, proxies detect, pumps pump water. It will also include dry running equipment. Plus minor rectification work and may include trial product through system.
Practical Completion
At practical completion is equipment is suitable for use. Normally this will include all safety equipment to be operational. UNO, Buildings will be weather tight and secure.
- Painting, minor rectification work (as detailed in the punch list) etc may be still to come.
- OR See Tasman definition.
This will typically be at practical completion. Prior to this, the Supplier has control of the plant. From this point the Client/ Production/ next Contractor have control of the plant.
The Client accepts that the project work is all complete and is now the Client’s responsibility. The only exceptions might be any outstanding punchlist items or contractual maintenance clauses.
the period from starting up, with production staff, until reaching desired production levels, including completing and passing acceptance tests.
Start up
This is starting the plant on water or product and is typically part of Commissioning.
DLP; Defects Liability Period= 2 months
This is the time after the equipment is accepted, for which the Supplier is responsible for fixing any construction/ manufacturing errors (including all root causes). This period restarts for equipment fixed under the DLP.
Maintenance Period
During this period, the Supplier is responsible for (doing at his cost) all inspections, lubrication, repairs, preventative and normal maintenance, etc, unless caused by misuse by the Client. This also includes upgrading items that Supplier and Client agree are sub standard.
Unless specified in the PO/ contract, Supplier will do work during normal working hours.
240 X2.2 NZS 3910 Contract Terms |
NZS 3910 c12.9.1 - Provisional Sums may be provided for work which is to be executed by the Contractor or by a Nominated Subcontractor or for any item the Cost of which is to be borne by the Contractor. Such sums shall be expended only on the instructions of the Engineer and as provided below.
Allowance for works that are not yet defined enough for accurate pricing.
**/ https://www.designingbuildings.co.uk/wiki/Provisional_sum
NZS 3910 c12.11.1 - Prime Cost Sums may be provided for Materials to be supplied by the Contractor or by a Nominated Subcontractor for incorporation into the Contract Works, and for which freedom of selection by the Engineer is reserved. Such sums shall be expended only on the instructions of the Engineer as provided below.
Work or materials by Client Nominated Supplier. Sum is invoice value.
∆ https://www.designingbuildings.co.uk/wiki/Prime_cost_sum
NZS 3910:2013,
The date on which the successful Contractor is notified in writing that its tender or other offer is accepted or, in the absence of any such written notification, the date of the Contract Agreement
c10.2.2 The Contract Works or any Separable Portion shall be carried out to the stage of Practical Completion as defined in 10.4 by the relevant Due Date for Completion.
c10.4.1 . . Practical Completion ...Works ... are complete except for minor omissions...:
(a) Which in the opinion of the Engineer the Contractor has reasonable grounds for not promptly correcting;
(b) Which do not prevent the Contract Works or Separable Portion from being used for their intended purpose; and
(c) Rectification of which will not prejudice the convenient use of the Contract Works or any Separable Portion.
∆ Apx3 s242X www.liztid.com/mylizt/267#lttheading17388
A certificate issued under 11.3 which may be in the form of Schedule 16
c11.3.1 - The Engineer shall issue to the Principal and to the Contractor a Final Completion Certificate for the Contract Works ...:
(a) The Defects Notification Period under 11.1 has expired; and
(b) The Contractor has remedied all minor omissions and defects under 10.4.1 and all defects notified by the Engineer under 11.2
G11.3.1 – G11.3.2 The Engineer shall issue the Final Completion Certificate after the Defects Notification Period has expired and when the Engineer is satisfied that:
Also see Fonterra Minor Works; www.liztid.com/mylizt/275#lttheading14754
250 Y Legend Admin- Documents |
Y1 Timeline & Rpts
Y2 Commission
Y3 Eng Control & team
Y4 General
Y5 .1 Sub consultants, Engineering .2 Sub consultants other
Y6 Advertising
Y7 Insurance
Y8 Offices buildings, rates, rent etc
Y9 .1 Vehicles .2 Travel, Local .3 Travel, international
Y10 Leave/ Holidays
===== General sections
_1 Programme & Rpts
_2 Commission
_3 Eng Control & team
_4 General 5-10 etc
YMD= 180403= Year; 2018, Month; Apr, Date; 3rd (in file name, means file chronologically)
===== Sketches
1702Bsk180403 Description= Job#, Category, Sketch, Date (YMD), Description
===== Sufixes
MU= Marked Up copy of document
SSD= Superseded Document or Drawing
===== Apx Document Headers
Document Type - Draft - File Name
Project - Restricted - ApxLtd
=== Footer
#/n - File name (--sheet)
. - Prtd: date
===== Client Document Header
File name
Document Type
Project - Client Logo
Use ApxLtd footer
===== Apx terminology
PR= Purchase order Request=> PO= Purchase Order
WR= Works order Request=> WO= Works Order
VR= Variation Request=> VO= Variation Order
CVO= Contract Variation Order
PVO= Purchase Variation Order
CN= Contract Note
250 Y1 Timeline Terms & Progress % |
Typical Terminology (used in Timeline);
LOA= Letter of Acceptance
Contract Start= when Contractor instructed to start, ie date of LOA, Contract signed or similar.
Site Access= Date(s) Supplier can start on work site(s) (may be non exclusive access and/ or partial)
Hold Point= work cannot proceed, without Client's inspection and approval
FAT= Factory Acceptance Tests
SAT= Site Acceptance Tests
Punchlist= period to prepare and then close out punchlist items
Handover= date Client or next trade gets "control" (usually Practically Complete), contract details what is reqd
Practical Completion= Client or next trade can use the works, but allows minor defects
Contract Completion= all work complete, including punch list & documentation (excl payments)
DLP= period Supplier is liable for construction defects
Contract Closeout= all payments (incl retentions) complete, bonds released
(ref NZS 3910 or company contracts, etc)
=== Simulation
Desk testing of software before pre commissioning
=== Practical completion
∆ Apx3 s242X www.liztid.com/mylizt/267#lttheading17388
=== Pre commissioning
Prior to introducing product, typically using water (construction generally complete so usable)
Flushing, hydrotesting, stroking, belling lines, equipment tuning, calibration
Need to be able to isolate sections
=== Commissioning
Introduction of product, chemicals etc
Performance tuning on product and performance testing
===== Progress %
= Off site Fabrication; . if not identified separately: use
10% . d . Design (overall or detail)
20% . p . Purchasing (ie items received into shop)
90% . f . Fabricate (incl NDT)
95% . c . Coatings, paint
99% . s . Delivered to SITE, . . ie Practically Complete
100% inspected/ Punch list closed out
= Installation ALWAYS separate item
1% . s . Delivered to SITE
5% . f . Delivered to building/ factory
40% . p . In final position
90% . h . Handover/ Practical completion
99% . c . Coating/ paint/ testing, etc . . ie ie Practically Complete
100% Punch list closed out
= then
= if Combined
40% Preshut work
80% installation complete
90% Recommissioned
99% Practical complete (just punch listing)
100% Punch list closed out
ApxY1.1f03 1502 Timelines.docx
Æ’ 1Y1 Timelines
250 Y3 ** Legend; Document Issue (IF_) |
^ ApxY0~f Notes.pdf . . for stamps
see s250Y
Acpt= Accepted (not approved, but no issues with document/ drawing)
AFC= Approved For Construction
AFP= Approved For Payment
Apvd= Approved
As Built
Certified Design
= Issued For ___
* IFA= Approval (approval needed before work can continue).
IFB= Budget Price
* IFC= Construction
IFD= Design
IFF= File (Record copy)
IFH= Hazop
* IFI= Information
* IFP= Purchase/ Production
IFR= Review
IFS= Start up
IFT= Tender
RFI= Request for Information
RFP= Request for Proposal
RFQ= Request for Quotation
RSC= Reflects Site Construction (similar to as built)
TO= Transmittal Only
Drgs for verification to be IFA. The verifier will then stamp them "Approved" or similar. This can be overstamped "IFC"
As built= implies knowing/ checking materials/ thickness etc
Site checked= implies things that can be readily checked on site, ie use RSC
As per contractors drgs= implies as per the contractor’s red lined drgs (not by us)
= Certified Drawings, Specification, Documents
The document supplier warrants that the documents are accurate/ reliable.
ALL costs for changes (not at the Client's request) are to the document supplier's account
=== ± packages (keep in ± folder)
Package name= ##C-IF_ Subject- Other Party, YMD (for on goings use +)
Use Dropbox, Zip files, WeTransfer, etc
===== Stamp; IF_
Job# . . Job
Name . . Date
Issue; eg IFC
t ===== Title block/ Stamp . (Title; Fill= 3+10, . . Line+text= 9+8,)
Line 1 . Job# . . Project/ Info
Line 2 . Sketch Title
Line 3 . By . . Date . . Doc #
Line 4 . Marked Up/ IF_ . . reason for Mark Up if useful . (incl next step, final or progress, etc)
OR ===== Title block/ Stamp . (Title; Fill= 10+3, . . Line+text= 9+8,)
Line 1 . Site; Project/ Info
Line 2 . Sketch Title
Line 3 . By . . J#-Drg# . . Date (rev)
Line 4 . Marked Up/ IF_ . . reason for Mark Up if useful . (incl next step, final or progress, etc)
=== Mark Up Colours in Preview; . . . adjust to suit
Dimensions; Lines= 2+4, . . text= 2+8 (blue) . .
Notes; text= 5+5, . . fill= 10+1
Actions; text= 5+5, . . fill= 2+1
North + views= 4+5, . . fill= 4+1
. OR as per . . s11 A* Discipline; numbers/ colours
=== Invoices
Invoices to include if progress or final payment. Otherwise the PO might be closed and payment is slowed
Templates- markup boxes
https://www.dropbox.com/sh/7ges85rug14lzif/AAD3Sh0-rCnN_QA8WEuWvWxDa?dl=0 |
250 Y4 *** Document Headings (specs, reports, etc) |
∆ ApxY0f02 1910 Word FORM.docx
==== Header
Type . . . Draft . . . # r
Project . . . . . . . Company
=== Footer
ApxLtd . . . #/## . . . Name . . Prtd:
= Contents
1 Introduction
2 Scope
3 Technical
4 Legal, QA, QC, Testing and Guarantees, Insurance
5 Health, Safety, Risk, Environment
6 Timeline & Reporting
7 Administration, Project Team, Training
8 Documentation
9 Purchasing and Costing
^ ApxY0f02 Word FORM.doc . . for above and document header and footing.
Where possible, use the above headings.
. Modify as required. Add sub headings as required.
If a heading is not required, put not applicable under heading
1 Introduction
This is to help the reader understand the purpose of the document and decide if they need to read the document
2 Scope
This shall state what is and isn't included.
. Often a exclusion section is best to make this clear
See s3 MyLizt Abbreviations & Definitions for shall, should, may.
Document to state the Supplier shall ... do the work, not ... the work shall be done, etc
3 Technical
This is how the work is to be done or useful, reference information (not what is to be done).
4 Risk
Include what could go wrong and contingencies (if any)
250 Y4 Drg & Doc File NAMES (& folders) |
===== 2b Documents
eFile; . ##Ciit# Description
. pdf; . ##Ciit#sh# Description rA . . . Always issue/ record files as .pdf
Copy to be stamped for IF_, when sent to each recipient (IFA, IFC, etc)
=== Folders
## ref
± IF_ packages issued . (a sub folder, in project/ discipline folder)
===== 2 P ãY4s06 Numbering Photos Drgs Sketches.doc
Document Standard
~ . . Drawings . Equip#C~1-1 . . use rAr0 (Drafts, Issues)
sk . Sketches . Equip#Csk1 . . . use YMD
` . . .Photos . . . Equip#C`1-1 . . . "
`` . . Movies . . . .Equip#C``1-1 . . "
May use Proj# in place of Equip#
Add “c†and “v†prefixes are useful to identify a document is supplied by others=> cCii~Xxx
If photos are only viewed on the computer, it is good to keep the .jpg file down to near 600 kB.
===== 2c Drawings and Sketches
eFile; . if all sheets are in 1 file (preferred). Can be .dwg, .xlsx, .pdf, etc
.pdf ##Ciit#sh# rA (preferred for drgs)
.pdf; ##Ciit# rA
eFile; . if separate file for each sheet
##Ciit#sh# rA (preferred for pdf)
===== 2d Other General Documents
ca Calcs
db Database
P Procedures
s Specs & datasheets
S Standards
v Vendor documents
~= drawing
sk= sketch
rev can be Alpha (draft), then numeric (issued), NumericAlpha (more drafts) OR YMD
P ãY4s04 FILING & Doc Names.doc s2
https://www.dropbox.com/s/eo6krxs9gfedkky/P%20%C3%A3Y4s04%20FILING%20%26%20Doc%20Names.doc?dl=0 |
250 Y4 Legend Document MU, incl colours |
∆Apx0 s10A for Disciplines
=== Document Handling
Blue; . . Filed, trash, can be trashed
Grn; . . Selected, OK
Onge; . Read, action, remind to action
Pple; . .Locked, IF_
Red; . . Change document
Ylw; . .Document processed
=== IN DOCUMENT/ drawing; colours, mark ups
Blck; . Comments, FYI
Blue; . To be deleted
Grn; . . Selected, OK, checked and is correct
Onge; .
Pple; . Locked
Red; . .Changes to document
Ylw; . .Back drafted
===== SITE Drg Construction markups
- Printing drgs in B&W makes the mark ups easier
= Highlight
Ylw= . INSTALLATION complete, mech, instr or elect (highlight each tag#)
Blue= . flushed and pressure tested (mechanically complete), ie turns green
Red= . Wired and belled/ stroked, bumped (operational), ie turns orange
= Pen
Red= changes
Black or blue= . useful notes
Initials and dates are helpful, if later changes
250 Y4 Security Requirements |
260 Y4 File name MODIFIERS- prefixes |
=== Folder Prefixes
&= Shared folders (Dropbox or similar)
=== Document Prefixes
^= Shortcut or alias
∆= Website address
1= Lists
===== Email PREFIXES;
RFQ J# Tender . . then file name; YMD-Name RFQ J# Tender
PO J# Contract . . then file name; YMD-Name RFQ J# Contract
* in future change file name below YMD-rfqAP ... to YMD-AP rfq ...
=== Email FILE prefixes;
YMD= Year Month Day, eg 180712= 12 Jul 2018
YMD-AP = email sent to A Persson
YMD-Cmpy = email sent to a Company
YMD+AP = email received from A Persson
YMD±AP = email that includes back and forth emails
YMD=AP email in house
YMD-& = email sent to several people
YMD-)AP = email sent, that closes this subject
. (same for -, +, ±)
YMD-rfq= Request for Quotation email
YMD-RFQ= pdf of Actual document or package (incl tech spec)
YMD+q= Quotation email received . . (- or sent)
YMD+Q= pdf of Actual quotation received . . (-or sent)
YMD-po= instruction to proceed (effectively PO) . . (+ received)
YMD-PO= "Purchase Order", Document, contract, the .pdf included in email . . (+ received)
YMD+PS= Packing Slip received
YMD-¿AP= request for xxx
YMD-no= email that says "No" . . (+ or received)
YMD-yes= email that says "Yes" . . (+ or received)
===== Document Naming
PO= Supplier, PO number, subject . (so files by supplier)
Other= XXC2T# rA Name
. XX= Job number
. C= Categories from above
. 2= item 2 of category C
. rA= revision or date (YMD)
=== Type
ag= Agenda
mom= Minutes of Meeting
s= specification
S= Standard
sd= screen dump
sk= Sketch, YMD= Year Month Day
` photo
`` Movies
~ drawings
=== #
YMD or
===== Revision
alpha= drafts
numeric= issued revision
Rev 0= first formal issue
NumericAlpha= a draft revision of a document, that has previously be issued, eg 2A, first in-house rev of issue 2, working towards issue 3
}xxx = clarification info added to email (or Doc) name
- = document that has had size reduced
= = document that has been re pdf'd to lock markups
_PRG YMD= Progress; document marked up with Progress at date
_MU = document has been Marked Up (not formal amendment)
_MU AP = document has been Marked Up by A Person
_MU AP YMD = document has been Marked Up by A Person
_MU YMD= same but its date it was marked (to reduce confusion)
_MUP = marked up as a Procedure
_ocr = document has OCR completed (only use suffix when needed)
_qAP = reviewed/ QC by A Person
_xAP = signed by A Person
_t = should be trashed
t _√AP OR chkAP = document checked by A Person and ok
t _√ok OR chkok = document checked and ok
PC Procedure
SC Standard
sC Project purchase specification
=== Available characters
~!@#$%^&()_+ `1234567890-=
QWERTYUIOP{} qwertyuiop[]
ASDFGHJKL asdfghjkl;'
ZXCVBNM zxcvbnm,
Not permissible; PC= * | \ : " < > ? / Mac= ≠: /
=== Characters
∑ ≠√ ∆ ≤ ≥ ± Ï Â° ≈ ∙ €
300 A1.1 FBNZ Equipment tags |
^ PA FBNZ Tag Format and Allocation
AEN Agitator enabled
AGT Agitator
AIC Air compressor
CCT Control Cabinet
CEN Conveyor enabled
CIT Conductivity transmitter
CLT Cooling tower
CMP Compressor
CON Conveyor
CVA Control valve Output
CVA Control valve position feedabck
CVM Control valve Manual
EST Estop
FEN Fan Enabled
FIL Filter
FSW Flow Switch
FTI Flow Indicator
FTT Flow transmitter analogue
FTT Flow transmitter pulse
GDT Gas Detection Transmitter
GEN Area
GTS Gate Switch
HDE Hand valve de-energised
HEN Hand valve energised
HPU Hydraulic unit
HTT Humidity transmitter
HVA Hand valve
IND Indicator lamp
JNB Junction box
LAN Lanyard switch
LCL Load cell
LIM Limit switch
LSH High level switch
LSL Low level switch
LSM Medium level switch
LTI Level Indicator
LTT Level transmitter
MEN Motor enabled
MIS Miscellaneos Item (Not PLC)
MOT Motor (Other)
MSI Miscellaneous input
MSO Miscellaneous output
NRV Non return valve
PBF Off push button N/C
PBO On push button N/O
PEN Pump running
PES Photo eye
PHE Plate heat exchanger
PHT pH probe
PMP Pump
PMP Pump reverse
PMP Pump speed
PNC Pnuematic cylinder
PRG Pressure Regulator
PRV Pressure Vent
PRX Proximity switch
PSW Pressure Switch
PTI Pressure Indicator
PTT Pressure transmitter
QTT Chemical Analayser
SCT Solenoid cabinet
SEL Selector Switch
SIG Sight Glass
SLV Solenoid valve
SRI Safety Relay Input
SRO Safety Relay Output
TNK Tank
TRB Turbidity probe
TRP Steam Trap
TTI Temperature Indicator
TTS Temperature switch
TTT Temperature transmitter
TTT Temperature transmitter setpoint
VAL Automatic Valve
VDE Auto Valve de-energised
VEN Auto Valve energised
SAF Safety Shower